Why I Joined The Board Series: Nancy Joseph, Immediate Past Vice President of Thursday Network

Thursday Network
6 min readJul 29, 2022


Written by Nancy Joseph

It was February 2020, we were on lock down and would soon be in a full blown pandemic. Our future and our fate were unknown, there was nothing that could have prepared us for the carnage to come. Our health and well-being was under severe attack. COVID-19 had run itself rampant claiming hundreds of thousands of lives swiftly.

It was indeed a very dark time.

We were instantly faced with unprecedented challenges. I was contracting as a Senior Business Consultant at the United States Citizens Immigration Services (USCIS) fulltime. In an instant I went from living the hustle and bustle life of DC to straight solitude and stillness. I was directed to work remotely until further notice by my employer.

The streets were empty, silent and ghostly. The world had suddenly eerily stopped. Life had come to a complete halt. Just like that.

Being stagnant in a city where I had no immediate family was more evident now than it had ever been before. The CDC ordered U.S citizens to remain quarantined until further notice. The only active engagement I had was remote work, zoom calls w/ family, social media and the television.

For the first time in history we were forced to sit in solitude without being on the go, this was a new normal for me. It was nice to be home for a bit however over time it was getting old and extremely discouraging real fast. I found myself working more than ever before, watching the devastating news of people dying by the hundreds of thousands daily and learning news of family members falling ill or passing away was a next level experience. I had no immediate social outlet. I felt like I was suffocating in darkness.

Then a glimmer of light shined through.

I was contacted by our then and current and President of Thursday Network (TN) my friend Genaro Stewart to consider applying for the Public Relations Chair position. I had been a TN member for about seven years at the time, only serving as what I would like to call a “super member”! Service is what I loved, enjoyed, and I wholeheartedly believed that one can lead from the background. However, sometimes God calls us to serve in positions out of our comfort zone with the purpose of supporting and encouraging his people. It was my duty. Nevertheless, I was amongst family. So I stepped up.

I must add this was not my first board role in the movement as I had been in this role back in 2010 in Boston for the Young Professionals Network of Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts (YPNULEM). Ironically, the movement created a positive outlet for me during a difficult time in my life even back then. The movement is literally the gift that just keeps on giving.

Why did I join the Thursday Network Board?

I joined the board because I needed a positive escape from my current reality. We were all going through the same experience. So I answered the call. I needed this outlet. I didn’t know what my leadership would look like virtually but I obliged. I just knew that I needed mental balance and I wanted to support an organization who has been a blessing to my life for so many years and in so many ways.

Thursday Network did just that.

At the height and early onset of the pandemic; we would go on to experience and witness the heart wrenching murder of George Floyd, countless black lives being taken due to police brutality, mass protests by Black Lives Matter against racial injustice, the unethical and destructive leadership of forty five, economic downturn due to the pandemic, mass fires, mass shootings, natural disasters, the refugee crisis, tyranny and unrest in many countries around the world, and the loss of many powerhouse legends such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg, John Lewis, Kobe Bryant, Chadwick Boseman and much more. The weight of the world truly felt like it was mentally on my shoulders. In all transparency bearing witness to all this was a lot.

As I mentioned before I had no inclination as to where this Public Relations role would lead me, however it was serving its purpose immediately. Although we were completely online, I felt a part of a unified community and felt the impact I was making. My role in ensuring our chapter received the visibility it needed to foster continued engagement by our members and onlookers during this very difficult time was vital. Our members needed this community and this outlet and we delivered, so the messaging had to be on point and consistent for continued outreach.

Thursday Network was able to pivot seamlessly virtually during one of the most difficult times in history. We never wavered. Our impact remained intact, our engagement grew greatly and we remained steadfast in our mission to continue to Empower Communities and Change Lives.

As we pressed forward to conclude what would be our first completed virtual term, I was nominated by my peers to run for Vice President of Thursday Network. I won and was officially elected. I would soon realize that this leadership role was more than just a role; it was a ministry.

Like before, I answered the call to serve once again. I continued this journey because in my heart and spirit I knew this board needed my support during this challenging time. There was no way I could turn my back on them. I made mental health a priority as Vice President and employed my board to give themselves grace. I also made myself available if they needed me for anything. There is no TN without its volunteers. “The work will get done”, is what I reminded them constantly. Your pace is your grace. No pressure. We were the first and only board in TN history to lead completely virtual, there was no rule book to follow.

Our troubles did not subside, nothing could have prepared us for one of the worst gut-wrenching experiences of losing our beloved brother, and board member/Treasurer Joseph Kitchen. How does a board remain encouraged and motivated after such a devastating experience? We’re Thursday Network. That’s just what we do. We prayed and persevered because foundationally as an organization we are strong, solid, objective, professional, servants and most importantly we are family. We memorialized our brother with the honor he so deserved in the midst of difficult times. We love you always Joseph!

I joined this board because of the opportunities and yes the challenges it afforded me and for the reasons listed above. It’s the adversities that provide the growth needed to be excellent year after year. This applies to the organization as a collective and to us as individuals. You can literally make it what you want, you get what you put into your experience. Remember, you are the prize in this organization because you choose to invest your expensive currency of time into this movement! I can truly say the time I’ve invested has provided priceless returns. So no refunds needed over here!

One thing Thursday Network is always going to be is consistent and that’s on everything! We never look like what we’re going through! (insert praise hands here lol) It’s clear and evident that we do the work no matter what obstacles lay before us, because we love what we do. Our reputation and accolades speaks for itself, we are here to make an impact, that’s always the priority. Thirty years of service speaks volumes. Thursday Network has and will always be a positive outlet for young professionals. I’m just honored to be in the number and stand on the shoulders of those who laid the foundation of true authentic servant-leadership.

Once a Leaguer, always a Leaguer! ~ Rhashib Thomas

In Loving Memory of Our Beloved Joseph Kitchens

May You Forever Rest in Power King



Thursday Network

TN is community of young professionals who support the Greater Washington Urban League by focusing on Community Service and Civic Engagement in the DMV area.